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object:1.01 - The Four Aids
author class:Sri Aurobindo
book class:The Synthesis Of Yoga
author class:Sri Aurobindo
subject class:Integral Yoga

CHAPTER I:The Four Aids

Shastra - knowledge and scripture
Utsaha - ideals of effort
Guru - ideal Guru
Kala - time

1:Yoga-siddhi, the perfection that comes from the practice of Yoga, can be best attained by the combined working of four great instruments. There is, first, the knowledge of the truths, principles, powers and processes that govern the realisation -- sastra. Next comes a patient and persistent action on the lines laid down by the knowledge, the force of our personal effort -- utsaha. There intervenes, third, uplifting our knowledge and effort into the domain of spiritual experience, the direct suggestion, example and influence of the Teacher -- guru. Last comes the instrumentality of Time -- kala; for in all things there is a cycle of their action and a period of the divine movement.


2:The supreme Shastra of the integral Yoga is the eternal Veda secret in the heart of every thinking and living being. The lotus of the eternal knowledge and the eternal perfection is a bud closed and folded up within us. It opens swiftly or gradually, petal by petal, through successive realisations, once the mind of man begins to turn towards the Eternal, once his heart, no longer compressed and confined by attachment to finite appearances, becomes enamoured, in whatever degree, of the Infinite. All life, all thought, all energising of the faculties, all experiences passive or active, become thenceforward so many shocks which disintegrate the teguments of the soul and remove the obstacles to the inevitable efflorescence. He who chooses the Infinite has been chosen by the Infinite. He has received the divine touch without which there is no awakening, no opening of the spirit; but once it is received, attainment is sure, whether conquered swiftly in the course of one human life or pursued patiently through many stadia of the cycle of existence in the manifested universe.

3:Nothing can be taught to the mind which is not already concealed as potential knowledge in the unfolding soul of the creature. So also all perfection of which the outer man is capable, is only a realising of the eternal perfection of the Spirit within him. We know the Divine and become the Divine, because we are That already in our secret nature. All teaching is a revealing, all becoming is an unfolding. Self-attainment is the secret; self-knowledge and an increasing consciousness are the means and the process.

4:The usual agency of this revealing is the Word, the thing heard (sruta). The Word may come to us from within; it may come to us from without. But in either case, it is only an agency for setting the hidden knowledge to work. The word within may be the utterance of the inmost soul in us which is always open to the Divine or it may be the word of the secret and universal Teacher who is seated in the hearts of all. There are rare cases in which none other is needed, for all the rest of the Yoga is an unfolding under that constant touch and guidance; the lotus of the knowledge discloses itself from within by the power of irradiating effulgence which proceeds from the Dweller in the lotus of the heart. Great indeed, but few are those to whom self-knowledge from within is thus sufficient and who do not need to pass under the dominant influence of a written book or a living teacher.

5:Ordinarily, the Word from without, representative of the Divine, is needed as an aid ill the work of self-unfolding; and it may be either a word from the past or the more powerful word of the living Guru. In some cases this representative word is only taken as a sort of excuse for the inner power to awaken and manifest; it is, as it were, a concession of the omnipotent and omniscient Divine to the generality of a law that governs Nature. Thus it is said in the Upanishads of Krishna, son of Devaki, that he received a word of the Rishi Ghora and had the knowledge. So Ramakrishna, having attained by his own internal effort the central illumination, accepted several teachers in the different paths of Yoga, but always showed in the manner and swiftness of his realisation that this acceptance was a concession to the general rule by which effective knowledge must be received as by a disciple from a Guru.

6:But usually the representative influence occupies a much larger place in the life of the Sadhaka. If the Yoga is guided by a received written Shastra, -- some Word from the past which embodies the experience of former Yogins, -- it may be practised either by personal effort alone or with the aid of a Guru. The spiritual knowledge is then gained through meditation on the truths that are taught and it is made living and conscious by their realisation in the personal experience; the Yoga proceeds by the results of prescribed methods taught in a Scripture or a tradition and reinforced and illumined by the instructions of the Master. This is a narrower practice, but safe and effective within its limits, because it follows a well-beaten track to a long familiar goal.

7:For the Sadhaka of the Integral Yoga it is necessary to remember that no written Shastra, however great its authority or however large its spirit, can be more than a partial expression of the eternal Knowledge. He will use, but never bind himself even by the greatest Scripture. Where the Scripture is profound, wide, catholic, it may exercise upon him an influence for the highest good and of incalculable importance. It may be associated in his experience with his awakening to crowning verities and his realisation of the highest experiences. His Yoga may be governed for a long time by one Scripture or by several successively, -- if it is in the line of the great Hindu tradition, by the Gita, for example, the Upanishads, the Veda. Or it may be a good part of his development to include in its material a richly varied experience of the truths of many Scriptures and make the future opulent with all that is best in the past. But in the end he must take his station, or better still, if he can, always and from the beginning he must live in his own soul beyond the written Truth, -- sabdabrahmativartate -- beyond all that he has heard and all that he has yet to hear, -- srotaryasya srutasya ca. For he is not the Sadhaka of a book or of many books; he is a Sadhaka of the Infinite.

8:Another kind of Shastra is not Scripture, but a statement of the science and methods, the effective principles and way of working of the path of Yoga which the Sadhaka elects to follow. Each path has its Shastra, either written or traditional, passing from mouth to mouth through a long line of Teachers. In India a great authority, a high reverence even is ordinarily attached to the written or traditional teaching. All the lines of the Yoga are supposed to be fixed and the Teacher who has received the Shastra by tradition and realised it in practice guides the disciple along the immemorial tracks. One often even hears the objection urged against a new practice, a new Yogic teaching, the adoption of a new formula, "It is not according to the Shastra." But neither in fact nor in the actual practice of the Yogins is there really any such entire rigidity of an iron door shut against new truth, fresh revelation, widened experience. The written or traditional teaching expresses the knowledge and experiences of many centuries systematised, organised, made attainable to the beginner. Its importance and utility are therefore immense. But a great freedom of variation and development is always practicable. Even so highly scientific a system as Rajayoga can be practised on other lines than the organised method of Patanjali. Each of the three paths, trimarga 51, breaks into many bypaths which meet again at the goal. The general knowledge on which the Yoga depends is fixed, but the order, the succession, the devices, the forms must be allowed to vary, for the needs and particular impulsions of the individual nature have to be satisfied even while the general truths remain firm and constant.

9:An integral and synthetic Yoga needs especially not to be bound by any written or traditional Shastra; for while it embraces the knowledge received from the past, it seeks to organise it anew for the present and the future. An absolute liberty of experience and of the restatement of knowledge in new terms and new combinations is the condition of its self-formation. Seeking to embrace all life in itself, it is in the position not of a pilgrim following the highroad to his destination, but, to that extent at least, of a path-finder hewing his way through a virgin forest. For Yoga has long diverged from life and the ancient systems which sought to embrace it, such as those of our Vedic forefa thers, are far away from us, expressed in terms which are no longer accessible, thrown into forms which are no longer applicable. Since then mankind has moved forward on the current of eternal Time and the same problem has to be approached from a new starting-point.

10:By this Yoga we not only seek the Infinite, but we call upon the Infinite to unfold himself in human life. Therefore the Shastra of our Yoga must provide for an infinite liberty in the receptive human soul. A free adaptability in the manner and type of the individual's acceptance of the Universal and Transcendent into himself is the right condition for the full spiritual life in man. Vivekananda, pointing out that the unity of all religions must necessarily express itself by an increasing richness of variety in its forms, said once that the perfect state of that essential unity would come when each man had his own religion, when not bound by sect or traditional form he followed the free self-adaptation of his nature in its relations with the Supreme. So also one may say that the perfection of the integral Yoga will come when each mall is able to follow his own path of Yoga, pursuing the development of his own nature in its upsurging towards that which transcends the nature. For freedom is the final law and the last consummation.

11:Meanwhile certain general lines have to be formed which may help to guide the thought and practice of the Sadhaka. But these must take, as much as possible, forms of general truths, general statements of principle, the most powerful broad directions of effort and development rather than a fixed system which has to be followed as a routine. All Shastra is the outcome of past experience and a help to future experience. It is an aid and a partial guide. It puts up signposts, gives the names of the main roads and the already explored directions, so that the traveller may know whither and by what paths he is proceeding.

12:The rest depends on personal effort and experience and upon the power of the Guide.


13:The development of the experience in its rapidity, its amplitude, the intensity and power of its results, depends primarily, in the beginning of the path and long after, on the aspiration and personal effort of the Sadhaka. The process of Yoga is a turning of the human soul from the egoistic state of consciousness absorbed in the outward appearances and attractions of things to a higher state in which the Transcendent and Universal can pour itself into the individual mould and transform it. The first determining element of the siddhi is, therefore, the intensity of the turning, the force which directs the soul inward. The power of aspiration of the heart, the force of the will, the concentration of the mind, the perseverance and determination of the applied energy are the measure of that intensity. The ideal Sadhaka should be able to say in the Biblical phrase, "My zeal for the Lord has eaten me up." It is this zeal for the Lord, utsaha, the zeal of the whole nature for its divine results, vyakulata, the heart's eagerness for the attainment of the Divine, -- that devours the ego and breaks up the limitations of its petty and narrow mould for the full and wide reception of that which it seeks, that which, being universal, exceeds and, being transcendent, surpasses even the largest and highest individual self and nature.

14:But this is only one side of the force that works for perfection. The process of the integral Yoga has three stages, not indeed sharply distinguished or separate, but in a certain measure successive. There must be, first, the effort towards at least an initial and enabling self-transcendence and contact with the Divine; next, the reception of that which transcends, that with which we have gained communion, into ourselves for the transformation of our whole conscious being; last, the utilisation of our transformed humanity as a divine centre in the world. So long as the contact with the Divine is not in some considerable degree established, so long as there is not some measure of sustained identity, sayujga, the element of personal effort must normally predominate. But in proportion as this contact establishes itself, the Sadhaka must become conscious that a force other than his own, a force transcending his egoistic endeavour and capacity, is at work in him and to this Power he learns progressively to submit himself and delivers up to it the charge of his Yoga. In the end his own will and force become one with the higher Power; he merges them in the divine Will and its transcendent and universal Force. He finds it thenceforward presiding over the necessary transformation of his mental, vital and physical being with an impartial wisdom and provident effectivity of which the eager and interested ego is not capable. It is when this identification and this self-merging are complete that the divine centre in the world is ready. Purified, liberated, plastic, illumined, it can begin to serve as a means for the direct action of a supreme Power in the larger Yoga of humanity or superhumanity, of the earth's spiritual progression or its transformation.

15:Always indeed it is the higher Power that acts. Our sense of personal effort and aspiration comes from the attempt of the egoistic mind to identify itself in a wrong and imperfect way with the workings of the divine Force. It persists in applying to experience on a supernormal plane the ordinary terms of mentality which it applies to its normal experiences in the world. In the world we act with the sense of egoism; we claim the universal forces that work in us as our own; we claim as the effect of our personal will, wisdom, force, virtue the selective, formative, progressive action of the Transcendent in this frame of mind, life and body. Enlightenment brings to us the knowledge that the ego is only an instrument; we begin to perceive and feel that these things are our own in the sense that they belong to our supreme and integral Self, one with the Transcendent, not to the instrumental ego. Our limitations and distortions are our contri bution to the working; the true power in it is the Divine's. When the human ego realises that its will is a tool, its wisdom ignorance and childishness, its power an infant's groping, its virtue a pretentious impurity, and learns to trust itself to that which transcends it, that is its salvation. The apparent freedom and self-assertion of our personal being to which we are so profoundly attached, conceal a most pitiable subjection to a thousand suggestions, impulsions, forces which we have made extraneous to our little person. Our ego, boasting of freedom, is at every moment the slave, toy and puppet of countless beings, powers, forces, influences in universal Nature. The self-abnegation of the ego in the Divine is its self-fulfilment; its surrender to that which transcends it is its liberation from bonds and limits and its perfect freedom.

16:But still, in the practical development, each of the three stages has its necessity and utility and must be given its time or its place. It will not do, it cannot be safe or effective to begin with the last and highest alone. It would not be the right course, either, to leap prematurely from one to another. For even if from the beginning we recognise in mind and heart the Supreme, there are elements of the nature which long prevent the recognition from becoming realisation. But without realisation our mental belief cannot become a dynamic reality; it is still only a figure of knowledge, not a living truth, an idea, not yet a power. And even if realisation has begun, it may be dangerous to imagine or to assume too soon that we are altogether in the hands of the Supreme or are acting as his instrument. That assumption may introduce a calamitous falsity; it may produce a helpless inertia or, magnifying the movements of the ego with the Divine Name, it may disastrously distort and ruin the whole course of the Yoga. There is a period, more or less prolonged, of internal effort and struggle in which the individual will has to reject the darkness and distortions of the lower nature and to put itself resolutely or vehemently on the side of the divine Light. The mental energies, the heart's emotions, the vital desires, the very physical being have to be compelled into the right attitude or trained to admit and answer to the right influences. It is only then, only when this has been truly done, that the surrender of the lower to the higher can be effected, because the sacrifice has become acceptable.

17:The personal will of the Sadhaka has first to seize on the egoistic energies and turn them towards the light and the right; once turned, he has still to train them to recognise that always, always to accept, always to follow that. Progressing, he learns, still using the personal will, personal effort, personal energies, to employ them as representatives of the higher Power and in conscious obedience to the higher Influence. Progressing yet farther, his will, effort, energy become no longer personal and separate, but activities of that higher Power and Influence at work in the individual. But there is still a sort of gulf of distance which necessitates an obscure process of transit, not always accurate, sometimes even very distorting, between the divine Origin and the emerging human current. At the end of the progress, with the progressive disappearance of egoism and impurity and ignorance, this last separation is removed; all in the individual becomes the divine working.


18:As the supreme Shastra of the integral Yoga is the eternal Veda secret in the heart of every man, so its supreme Guide and Teacher is the inner Guide, the World-Teacher, jagad-guru, secret within us. It is he who destroys our darkness by the resplendent light of his knowledge; that light becomes within us the increasing glory of his own self-revelation. He discloses progressively in us his own nature of freedom, bliss, love, power, immortal being. He sets above us his divine example as our ideal and transforms the lower existence into a reflection of that which it contemplates. By the inpouring of his own influence and presence into us he enables the individual being to attain to identity with the universal and transcendent.

19:What is his method and his system? He has no method and every method. His system is a natural organisation of the highest processes and movements of which the nature is capable. Applying themselves even to the pettiest details and to the actions the most insignificant in their appearance with as much care and thoroughness as to the greatest, they in the end lift all into the Light and transform all. For in his Yoga there is nothing too small to be used and nothing too great to be attempted. As the servant and disciple of the Master has no business with pride or egoism because all is done for him from above, so also he has no right to despond because of his personal deficiencies or the stumblings of his nature. For the Force that works in him is impersonal -- or superpersonal-and infinite.

20:The full recognition of this inner Guide, Master of the Yoga, lord, light, enjoyer and goal of all sacrifice and effort, is of the utmost importance in the path of integral perfection. It is immaterial whether he is first seen as an impersonal Wisdom, Love and Power behind all things, as an Absolute manifesting in. the relative and attracting it, as one's highest Self and the highest Self of all, as a Divine Person within us and in the world, in one of his -- or her -- numerous forms and names or as the ideal which the mind conceives. In the end we perceive that he is all and more than all these things together- The mind's door of entry to the conception of him must necessarily vary according to the past evolution and the present nature.

21:This inner Guide is often veiled at first by the very intensity of our personal effort and by the ego's preoccupation with itself and its aims. As we gain in clarity and the turmoil of egoistic effort gives place to a calmer self-knowledge, we recognise the source of the growing light within us. We recognise it retrospectively as we realise how all our obscure and conflicting movements have been determined towards an end that we only now begin to perceive, how even before our entrance into the path of the Yoga the evolution of our life has been designedly led towards its turning point. For now we begin to understand the sense of our struggles and efforts, successes and failures. At last we are able to seize the meaning of our ordeals and sufferings and can appreciate the help that was given us by all that hurt and resisted and the utility of our very falls and stumblings. We recognise this divine leading afterwards, not retrospectively but immediately, in the moulding of our thoughts by a transcendent Seer, of our will and actions by an all-embracing Power, of our emotional life by an all-attracting and all-assimilating Bliss and Love. We recognise it too in a more personal relation that from the first touched us or at the last seizes us; we feel the eternal presence of a supreme Master, Friend, Lover, Teacher. We recognise it in the essence of our being as that develops into likeness and oneness with a greater and wider existence; for we perceive that this miraculous development is not the result of our own efforts; an eternal Perfection is moulding us into its own image. One who is the Lord or Ishwara of the Yogic philosophies, the Guide in the conscious being (caitya guru or antaryamin), the Absolute of the thinker, the Unknowable of the Agnostic, the universal Force of the materialist, the supreme Soul and the supreme shakti, the One who is differently named and imaged by the religions, is the Master of our Yoga.

22:To see, know, become and fulfil this One in our inner selves and in all our outer nature, was always the secret goal and becomes now the conscious purpose of our embodied existence.

23:To be conscious of him in all parts of our being and equally in all that the dividing mind sees as outside our being, is the consummation of the individual consciousness. To be possessed by him and possess him in ourselves and in all things is the term of all empire and mastery. To enjoy him in all experience of passivity and activity, of peace and of power, of unity and of difference is the happiness which the jiva, the individual soul manifested in the world, is obscurely seeking. This is the entire definition of the aim of integral Yoga; it is the rendering in personal experience of the truth which universal Nature has hidden in herself and which she travails to discover. It is the conversion of the human soul into the divine soul and of natural life into divine living.

24:The surest way towards this integral fulfilment is to find the Master of the secret who dwells within us, open ourselves constantly to the divine Power which is also the divine Wisdom and Love and trust to it to effect the conversion. But it is difficult for the egoistic consciousness to do this at all at the beginning. And, if done at all, it is still difficult to do it perfectly and in every strand of our nature. It is difficult at first because our egoistic habits of thought, of sensation, of feeling block up the avenues by which we can arrive at the perception that is needed. It is difficult afterwards because the faith, the surrender, the courage requisite in this path are not easy to the ego-clouded soul. The divine working is not the working which the egoistic mind desires or approves; for it uses error in order to arrive at truth, suffering in order to arrive at bliss, imperfection in order to arrive at perfection. The ego cannot see where it is being led; it revolts against the leading, loses confidence, loses courage. These failings would not matter; for the divine Guide within is not offended by our revolt, not discouraged by our want of faith or repelled by our weakness; he has the entire love of the mother and the entire patience of the teacher. But by withdrawing our assent from the guidance we lose the consciousness, though not all the actuality-not, in any case, the eventuality -- of its benefit. And we withdraw our assent because we fail to distinguish our higher Self from the lower through which he is preparing his self-revelation. As in the world, so in ourselves, we cannot see God because of his workings and, especially, because he works in us through our nature and not by a succession of arbitrary miracles. Man demands miracles that he may have faith; he wishes to be dazzled in order that he may see. And this impatience, this ignorance may turn into a great danger and disaster if, in our revolt against the divine leading, we call in another distorting Force more satisfying to our impulses and desires and ask it to guide us and give it the Divine Name.

25:But while it is difficult for man to believe in something unseen within himself, it is easy for him to believe in something which he can image as extraneous to himself. The spiritual progress of most human beings demands an extraneous support, an object of faith outside us. It needs an external image of God; or it needs a human representative, -- Incarnation, Prophet or Guru; or it demands both and receives them. For according to the need of the human soul the Divine manifests himself as deity, as human divine or in simple humanity, -- using that thick disguise, which so successfully conceals the Godhead, for a means of transmission of his guidance.

26:The Hindu discipline of spirituality provides for this need of the soul by the conceptions of the Ishta Devata, the Avatar and the Gum. By the Ishta Devata, the chosen deity, is meant, -- not some inferior Power, but a name and form of the transcendent and universal Godhead. Almost all religions either have as their base or make use of some such name and form of the Divine. Its necessity for the human soul is evident. God is the All and more than the All. But that which is more than the All, how shall man conceive? And even the All is at first too hard for him; for he himself in his active consciousness is a limited and selective formation and can open himself only to that which is in harmony with his limited nature. There are things in the All which are too hard for his comprehension or seem too terrible to his sensitive emotions and cowering sensations. Or, simply, he cannot conceive as the Divine, cannot approach or cannot recognise something that is too much out of the circle of his ignorant or partial conceptions. It is necessary for him to conceive God in his own image or at some form that is beyond himself but consonant with his highest tendencies and seizable by his feelings or his intelligence. Otherwise it would be difficult for him to come into contact and communion with the Divine.

27:Even then his nature calls for a human intermediary so that he may feel the Divine in something entirely close to his own humanity and sensible in a human influence and example. This call is satisfied by the Divine manifest in a human appearance, the Incarnation, the Avatar-Krishna, Christ, Buddha. Or if this is too hard for him to conceive, the Divine represents himself through a less marvellous intermediary, -- Prophet or Teacher. For many who cannot conceive or are unwilling to accept the Divine Man, are ready to open themselves to the supreme man, terming him not incarnation but world-teacher or divine representative.

28:This also is not enough; a living influence, a living example, a present instruction is needed. For it is only the few who can make the past Teacher and his teaching, the past Incarnation and his example and influence a living force in their lives. For this need also the Hindu discipline provides in the relation of the Guru and the disciple. The Guru may sometimes be the Incarnation or World-Teacher; but it is sufficient that he should represent to the disciple the divine wisdom, convey to him something of the divine ideal or make him feel the realised relation of the human soul with the Eternal.

29:The Sadhaka of the integral Yoga will make use of all these aids according to his nature; but it is necessary that he should shun their limitations and cast from himself that exclusive tendency of egoistic mind which cries, "My God, my Incarnation, my Prophet, my Guru," and opposes it to all other realisation in a sectarian or a fanatical spirit. All sectarianism, all fanaticism must be shunned; for it is inconsistent with the integrity of the divine realisation.

30:On the contrary, the Sadhaka of the integral Yoga will not be satisfied until he has included all other names and forms of Deity in his own conception, seen his own Ishta Devata in all others, unified all Avatars in the unity of Him who descends in the Avatar, welded the truth in all teachings into the harmony of the Eternal Wisdom.

31:Nor should he forget the aim of these external aids which is to awaken his soul to the Divine within him. Nothing has been finally accomplished if that has not been accomplished. It is not sufficient to worship Krishna, Christ or Buddha without, if there is not the revealing and the formation of the Buddha, the Christ or Krishna in ourselves. And all other aids equally have no other purpose; each is a bridge between man's unconverted state and the revelation of the Divine within him.

32:The Teacher of the integral Yoga will follow as far as he may the method of the Teacher within us. He will lead the disciple through the nature of the disciple. Teaching, example, influence, -- these are the three instruments of the Guru. But the wise Teacher will not seek to impose himself or his opinions on the passive acceptance of the receptive mind; he will throw in only what is productive and sure as a seed which will grow under the divine fostering within. He will seek to awaken much more than to instruct; he will aim at the growth of the faculties and the experiences by a natural process and free expansion. He will give a method as an aid, as a utilisable device, not as an imperative formula or a fixed routine. And he will be on his guard against any turning of the means into a limitation, against the mechanising of process. His whole business is to awaken the divine light and set working the divine force of which he himself is only a means and an aid, a body or a channel.

33:The example is more powerful than the instruction; but it is not the example of the outward acts nor that of the personal character, which is of most importance. These have their place and their utility; but what will most stimulate aspiration in others is the central fact of the divine realisation within him governing his whole life and inner state and all his activities. This is the universal and essential element; the rest belongs to individual person and circumstance. It is this dynamic realisation that the Sadhaka must feel and reproduce in himself according to his own nature; he need not strive after an imitation from outside which may well be sterilising rather than productive of right and natural fruits.

34:Influence is more important than example. Influence is not the outward authority of the Teacher over his disciple, but the power of his contact, of his presence, of the nearness of his soul to the soul of another, infusing into it, even though in silence, that which he himself is and possesses. This is the supreme sign of the Master. For the greatest Master is much less a Teacher than a Presence pouring the divine consciousness and its constituting light and power and purity and bliss into all who are receptive around him.

35:And it shall also be a sign of the teacher of the integral Yoga that he does not arrogate to himself Guruhood in a humanly vain and self-exalting spirit. His work, if he has one, is a trust from above, he himself a channel, a vessel or a representative. He is a man helping his brothers, a child leading children, a Light kindling other lights, an awakened Soul awakening souls, at highest a Power or Presence of the Divine calling to him other powers of the Divine.


36:The Sadhaka who has all these aids is sure of his goal. Even a fall will be for him only a means of rising and death a passage towards fulfilment. For once on his path, birth and death become only processes in the development of his being and the stages of his journey.

37:Time is the remaining aid needed for the effectivity of the process. Time presents itself to human effort as an enemy or a friend, as a resistance, a medium or an instrument. But always it is really the instrument of the soul.

38:Time is a field of circumstances and forces meeting and working out a resultant progression whose course it measures. To the ego it is a tyrant or a resistance, to the Divine an instrument. Therefore, while our effort is personal. Time appears as a resistance, for it presents to us all the obstruction of the forces that conflict with our own. When the divine working and the personal are combined in our consciousness, it appears as a medium and condition. When the two become one, it appears as a servant and instrument.

39:The ideal attitude of the Sadhaka towards Time is to have an endless patience as if he had all eternity for his fulfilment and yet to develop the energy that shall realise now and with an ever-increasing mastery and pressure of rapidity till it reaches the miraculous instantaneousness of the supreme divine Transformation.

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Wikipedia - King of the Ring (2008) -- 2008 professional wrestling event
Wikipedia - King of the Ring (2010) -- 2010 professional wrestling event
Wikipedia - King of the Ring (2015) -- 2015 WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Lady with the Ring -- Folklore story
Wikipedia - Lego The Lord of the Rings -- Lego theme
Wikipedia - List of accolades received by The Lord of the Rings film series -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of original characters in The Lord of the Rings film series -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of The Ring world champions -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Lord of the Rings (board game) -- Game designed by Reiner Knizia
Wikipedia - Lord of the Rings
Wikipedia - Love in the Ring -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Maqewa -- Island in the Ringgold Isles, Fiji
Wikipedia - Music of The Lord of the Rings film series -- Album series (operatic film score cycle)
Wikipedia - One Ring -- |Magical ring that must be destroyed in J. R. R. Tolkien's ''The Lord of the Rings''
Wikipedia - Pyridazine -- Organic compound based on the benzene ring, containing two nitrogen atoms in the ring
Wikipedia - Queen of the Ring (TV series) -- 2017 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Raranitiqa -- Island in the Ringgold Isles, Fiji
Wikipedia - Sadako Yamamura -- Antagonist in the Ring franchise
Wikipedia - Sauron -- Primary antagonist in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings
Wikipedia - Taininbeka -- Atoll in the Ringgold Isles, Fiji
Wikipedia - Tauraria -- Atoll in the Ringgold Isles, Fiji
Wikipedia - The Adventures of Peg o' the Ring -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - The Fellowship of the Ring -- 1954 book by J. R. R. Tolkien
Wikipedia - The History of The Lord of the Rings -- Book
Wikipedia - The Lord of the Rings (1978 film) -- |1978 animated fantasy film
Wikipedia - The Lord of the Rings (film series) -- 2001-2003 fantasy films directed by Peter Jackson
Wikipedia - The Lord of the Rings (film)
Wikipedia - The Lord of the Rings: Gollum -- 2021 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - The Lord of the Rings Motion Picture Trilogy: The Exhibition -- Traveling exhibit
Wikipedia - The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II -- 2006 real-time strategy game
Wikipedia - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (soundtrack) -- 2001 soundtrack album by Howard Shore
Wikipedia - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring -- 2001 fantasy film directed by Peter Jackson
Wikipedia - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (soundtrack) -- 2003 soundtrack album by Howard Shore
Wikipedia - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King -- 2003 fantasy film directed by Peter Jackson
Wikipedia - The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (soundtrack) -- 2002 soundtrack album by Howard Shore
Wikipedia - The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers -- 2002 fantasy film directed by Peter Jackson
Wikipedia - The Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game -- Collectible card game
Wikipedia - The Lord of the Rings (TV series) -- 2021 Amazon television series
Wikipedia - The Lord of the Rings -- 1954-1955 fantasy book by J. R. R. Tolkien
Wikipedia - The Man in the Moon Stayed Up Too Late -- Poem in The Lord of the Rings
Wikipedia - Themes of The Lord of the Rings -- Academic analyses of Tolkien's ideas embodied in The Lord of the Rings
Wikipedia - The Ring (1927 film) -- 1927 film by Alfred Hitchcock
Wikipedia - The Ring (1985 film) -- 1984 film
Wikipedia - The Ring (2002 film)
Wikipedia - The Ring (2007 film) -- 2007 Canadian drama film
Wikipedia - The Ring and the Book
Wikipedia - The Ring and the Man -- 1914 film
Wikipedia - The Ringer (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - The Ringer (1932 film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - The Ringer (website) -- American sports and pop culture website
Wikipedia - The Ring magazine Fight of the Year -- Combat magazine award
Wikipedia - The Ring magazine Knockout of the Year -- Combat magazine award
Wikipedia - The Ring magazine Round of the Year -- Combat magazine award
Wikipedia - The Ring magazine Upset of the Year -- Combat magazine award
Wikipedia - The Ring (magazine) -- Boxing magazine
Wikipedia - The Ring of Destiny -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - The Ring of Giuditta Foscari -- 1917 film by Alfred Halm
Wikipedia - The Ring of the Empress -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - The Ringtailed Rhinoceros -- 1915 film by George Terwilliger
Wikipedia - The Ring Two -- 2005 film by Hideo Nakata
Wikipedia - The Ring Virus -- 1999 film by Kim dong-bin
Wikipedia - The Scouring of the Shire -- Penultimate chapter of The Lord of the Rings
Wikipedia - To Grab the Ring -- 1968 film
Wikipedia - Treebeard -- A tree-giant in Tolkien's novel ''Lord of the Rings''
Wikipedia - Warm core ring -- A type of mesoscale eddy which breaks off from a warm ocean current. The ring is an independent circulatory system of warm water which can persist for several months
Wikipedia - Women in The Lord of the Rings -- The role of women in Tolkien's fantasy
WCW Saturday Night (1992 - 2000) - WCW Saturday Night was the weekly Saturday night TV show on TBS, produced by World Championship Wrestling. The show featured a hi-tech, futuristic design with a unique entry way of slide-open doors and billowing smoke as the performers made their way to the ring.
Ring Raiders (1989 - 1989) - A group of pilots- called the Ring Raiders -protect the planet from the evil Skull Squadron. The Ring Raiders are made up of history's best pilots, brought together to protect civilization.
Ring ni Kakero (2004 - 2011) - or Put It All in the Ring,27 years after the first chapter debuted, the manga was finally adapted into an anime series by Toei Animation which premiered October 6, 2004 and was broadcast on TV Asahi. This covered the first story arc of the manga. Since Ring ni Kakero 2 was being serialized in Super...
Revolutionary Girl Utena (1997 - 2004) - Utena Tenjou's parents died when she was a little girl. At that time, a prince appeared to her and gave her a signet ring with a rose crest. He told Utena to keep the ring and promised that they would meet again someday. Utena was so impressed by him that she decided to become a prince herself! Uten...
Lionel's Circus (1986 - 1987) - Aired on PBS in the mid-80s. It was a children's show and was about a circus of animals. It was not a cartoon. The ringmaster was a cat named Lionel.
Seed Of Chucky(2004) - The killer doll is back! The all-new film is the fifth in the popular series of Chucky ("Child's Play") horror comedies. Making his directorial debut is the franchise creator and writer of all five films, Don Mancini. The film introduces Glen (voiced by "The Lord of the Rings" star Billy Boyd), the...
Rocky V(1990) - Rocky Balboa is forced to retire after having permanent damage inflicted on him in the ring by the Russian boxer Ivan Drago. Returning home after the Drago bout, Balboa discovers that the fortune that he had acquired as heavyweight champ has been stolen and lost on the stockmarket by his accountant....
Rocky IV(1985) - Heavyweight boxing champion Rocky Balboa accompanies his friend Apollo Creed, who will be in an exhibition match against Ivan Drago, a Russian boxer who has been scientifically trained, using high tech equipment. When Drago kills Apollo in the ring, Rocky blames himself for Apollo's death, and promi...
J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings(1978) - Ralph Bakshi's animated adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's revered Middle-earth saga captures the dark mood of the books extraordinarily well. The film covers the first half of the trilogy--THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING and the earlier part of THE TWO TOWERS--as Frodo (voiced by Christopher Guard), the cou...
BloodFist(1989) - Kickboxing champion Don "The Dragon" Wilson stars in Bloodfist. In time-honored fashion, Wilson arrives in Manila to investigate his brother's murder. There he stumbles upon a sinister secret society which thrives on illegal kickboxing tournaments and ends up in the ring himself, literally fighting...
Rasen(1998) - Rasen was Intended to be the original sequel to Ringu and was released at the same time as well but sadly due to the overwhelming success of the Ringu, Rasen fell into obscurity. It is not in continiuty with the rest of the Ringu series i
American Pop(1981) - Journey into an explosion of sight, sound, song and superb storytelling as brilliantly conceived by animation innovator Ralph Bakshi (Fritz the Cat, The Lord of the Rings, Wizards). From a turn-of-the-century immigrant vaudevillian to a rock superstar, American Pop is the story of four generations w...
The Wrestler(2008) - An aging pro wrestler named Randy"The Ram" Robinson(Mickey Rourke), forced into retirement by a heart attack ,finds life outside the ring difficult. He tries to reconnect with his estranged daughter(Evan Rachel Wood).He pursues a relationship with an aging stripper(Marissa Tomei).He even tries worki...
The Return of the King(1980) - Rankin/Bass' adaptation of the final book of J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy. Bilbo Baggins recounts his mission to finally destroy the ring of Mordor once and for all. Often called by fans as an unofficial sequel to Ralph Bakshi's The Lord of the Rings (1978).
It's In The Bag!(1945) - The ringmaster of a flea circus inherits a fortune...if he can find which chair it's hidden in.
The Champ(1979) - This movie is a remake of a classic 30s drama. Jon Voight plays a divorced boxer who goes back into the ring after time training horses. He's also in the middle of a custody battle with his wife (Faye Dunaway) over their son (Rick Schroeder).
The Ring(2002) - The Ring is a 2002 American psychological horror film directed by Gore Verbinski, starring Naomi Watts, Daveigh Chase, and Martin Henderson. It is a remake of the 1998 Japanese horror film Ringu, which itself was based on the novel Ringu by Kji Suzuki (who also helped co-write both film versions),...
The Ring Two(2005) - The Ring Two is a 2005 American psychological thriller film, and a sequel to the 2002 film The Ring, which was a remake of the 1998 Japanese film Ringu. Hideo Nakata, director of the original Japanese film Ringu, on which the American versions are based, directed this film in place of Gore Verbinski...
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King(2003) - Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Thoden, Gamling, and omer meet up with Merry, Pippin and Treebeard at Isengard. The group returns to Edoras, where Pippin looks into Saruman's recovered palantr, in which Sauron appears and invades his mind; Pippin tells him nothing regarding Frodo and the Ring....
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers(2002) - Gandalf the Grey gives his life in battle against the Balrog, giving the Fellowship of the Ring time to escape from the Mines of Moria. Weeks later, Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee continue their journey to Mordor to destroy the One Ring and, with it, the Dark Lord Sauron. One night, they are attac...
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring(2001) - In the Second Age, the Dark Lord Sauron attempts to conquer Middle-earth using his One Ring. In battle against Sauron, Prince Isildur cuts the Ring from Sauron's hand, destroying his physical form. However, Sauron's life force is bound to the Ring, allowing him to survive while the Ring also survive...
True Love(1989) - Donna and Michael are getting married. But first, they have to plan the reception, get the tux, buy the rings, and cope with their own uncertainty about the decision. Michael fears commitment. Donna has her doubts about Michael's immaturity. Both are getting cold feet.
The Ringer(2005) - A young guy's only option to erase a really bad debt is to rig the Special Olympics by posing as a contestant.
Super Buddies(2013) - The Buddies find five magical rings from the planet Inspiron. Each one gives them unique super powers. Together, the Buddies must use the rings responsibly with the help of Megasis/Captain Canine in order to stop a power-hungry extraterrestrial warlord named Commander Drex, who wants to take the ri...
Miami Cops(1989) - The adventures of a cop whose father was killed by drug smugglers. With the help of his partner, the officer must follow the murderer and break up the ring. -- Action, Super Power, Magic
Adventure, Fantasy | TV Series ::: Connections -- 9 episodes -- Epic drama set thousands of years before the events of J.R.R. Tolkien's 'The Hobbit' and 'The Lord of the Rings' follows an ensemble cast of characters, both familiar and new, as they confront the long-feared re-emergence of evil to Middle-earth. Creators: Patrick McKay, John D. Payne Stars: Cynthia Addai-Robinson, Maxim Baldry, Ian Blackburn
Boyka: Undisputed (2016) ::: 7.0/10 -- Boyka: Undisputed IV (original title) -- Boyka: Undisputed Poster -- In the fourth installment of the fighting franchise, Boyka is shooting for the big leagues when an accidental death in the ring makes him question everything he stands for. Director: Todor Chapkanov Writers:
Closing the Ring (2007) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 58min | Drama, Romance | 28 December 2007 (UK) -- A young man searches for the proper owner of a ring that belonged to a U.S. World War II bomber gunner who crashed in Belfast, Northern Ireland on June 1, 1944. Director: Richard Attenborough Writer: Peter Woodward Stars:
Lights Out ::: TV-MA | 1h | Crime, Drama, Sport | TV Series (2011) A former heavyweight boxing champion struggles to find his identity after retiring from the ring. Creator: Justin Zackham Stars:
Raging Bull (1980) ::: 8.2/10 -- R | 2h 9min | Biography, Drama, Sport | 19 December 1980 (USA) -- The life of boxer Jake LaMotta, whose violence and temper that led him to the top in the ring destroyed his life outside of it. Director: Martin Scorsese Writers: Jake LaMotta (based on the book by) (as Jake La Motta), Joseph Carter
Rocky Balboa (2006) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG | 1h 42min | Action, Drama, Sport | 20 December 2006 (USA) -- Thirty years after the ring of the first bell, Rocky Balboa comes out of retirement and dons his gloves for his final fight against the reigning heavyweight champ Mason 'The Line' Dixon. Director: Sylvester Stallone Writers:
The Champ (1979) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 2h 1min | Drama, Sport | 4 April 1979 (USA) -- Billy Flynn is an ex-champion boxer who was KO'd by booze and gambling. When the wealthy, estranged mother of his young son begins trying to lure the boy away from him, Flynn must return to the ring to provide for his child. Director: Franco Zeffirelli Writers:
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) ::: 8.8/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 58min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 19 December 2001 (USA) -- A meek Hobbit from the Shire and eight companions set out on a journey to destroy the powerful One Ring and save Middle-earth from the Dark Lord Sauron. Director: Peter Jackson Writers:
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) ::: 8.9/10 -- PG-13 | 3h 21min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 17 December 2003 (USA) -- Gandalf and Aragorn lead the World of Men against Sauron's army to draw his gaze from Frodo and Sam as they approach Mount Doom with the One Ring. Director: Peter Jackson Writers:
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) ::: 8.7/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 59min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 18 December 2002 (USA) -- While Frodo and Sam edge closer to Mordor with the help of the shifty Gollum, the divided fellowship makes a stand against Sauron's new ally, Saruman, and his hordes of Isengard. Director: Peter Jackson Writers:
The Ring (2002) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 55min | Horror, Mystery | 18 October 2002 (USA) -- A journalist must investigate a mysterious videotape which seems to cause the death of anyone one week to the day after they view it. Director: Gore Verbinski Writers: Ehren Kruger (screenplay), Kji Suzuki (novel) (as Koji Suzuki)
The Unknown (1927) ::: 7.8/10 -- Unrated | 1h 3min | Drama, Horror, Romance | 4 June 1927 (USA) -- A criminal on the run hides in a circus and seeks to possess the daughter of the ringmaster at any cost. Director: Tod Browning Writers: Tod Browning (story), Waldemar Young (scenario) | 1 more credit Stars:
The Wrestler (2008) ::: 7.9/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Drama, Sport | 30 January 2009 (USA) -- A faded professional wrestler must retire, but finds his quest for a new life outside the ring a dispiriting struggle. Director: Darren Aronofsky Writer: Robert Siegel
Water for Elephants (2011) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 2h | Drama, Romance | 22 April 2011 (USA) -- Set in the 1930s, a former veterinary student takes a job in a travelling circus and falls in love with the ringmaster's wife. Director: Francis Lawrence Writers: Richard LaGravenese (screenplay), Sara Gruen (novel)'s_Story,_The's_Story'ziya's_Strength_Attracts_in_'Lord_of_the_Rings''s_Companion's_the_Thing
Dies Irae: To the Ring Reincarnation -- -- A.C.G.T. -- 6 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Super Power Magic -- Dies Irae: To the Ring Reincarnation Dies Irae: To the Ring Reincarnation -- Episodes 12–17 of Dies Irae released exclusively on the web. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- ONA - Jul 1, 2018 -- 17,727 6.01
Ginga Patrol PJ -- -- Eiken -- 26 eps -- - -- Drama Military Sci-Fi Space -- Ginga Patrol PJ Ginga Patrol PJ -- Once Upon a Time... Space differs from the rest of the Once Upon a Time titles in the sense that the series revolve on a dramatic content rather than an educational premise. The series still has a handful of educational information (such as an episode discussing the rings of Planet Saturn). -- -- The series succeeds Once Upon a Time... Man. It reprises almost the entire totality of the characters of the previous series and adapts them into a science-fiction context. -- -- The story tells about the confrontation of many big galactic powers. Among them there is the Omega Confederation, of which Earth is a member of; the military republic of Cassiopée led by the general Le Teigneux; and a powerful supercomputer which controls an army of robots. Once Upon a Time... Space features the adventures of Pierrot (son of colonel Pierre and president Pierrette) and his friend Psi. -- TV - Oct 9, 1982 -- 882 6.63
Hajime no Ippo: Rising -- -- Madhouse, MAPPA -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sports Drama Shounen -- Hajime no Ippo: Rising Hajime no Ippo: Rising -- Japanese Featherweight Champion Makunouchi Ippo has defended his title belt once more with the help of his devastating signature move: the Dempsey Roll. However, new challengers are rising up left and right, claiming to have an answer for the move responsible for crushing his opponents. Will Ippo be able to step up to the challenge, or will the weight of his pride destroy him before he finds out just what it means to be strong? Meanwhile, fellow Kamogawa Gym mate Aoki Masaru is just a hop, skip, and a Frog Punch away from claiming his own belt, ready to take on the Japanese Lightweight Champion! -- -- Hajime no Ippo: Rising continues Ippo's quest to become stronger, featuring the same cast of loveable dimwits from Kamogawa Gym, as they put their bodies and hearts on the line to make their way in the harsh world of professional boxing. With a will of iron, Ippo steps into the ring once again. -- -- 182,947 8.59
Hataage! Kemono Michi -- -- ENGI -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Hataage! Kemono Michi Hataage! Kemono Michi -- Professional wrestler Genzou Shibata sports the body of a mountain, but beneath his hulking appearance is a man with an extreme affection for animals. Facing off his opponents in the ring as the legendary "Animal Mask," Genzou wins the hearts of crowds everywhere with his iconic tiger persona. -- -- During the bout for the title of World Champion against his greatest rival, the Macadamian Ogre, Genzou is suddenly summoned to a fantasy world by a princess. With her kingdom being threatened by a monster infestation, she pleads the wrestler for assistance—to which he answers by knocking her out with a German suplex! Escaping the castle and finding himself stranded in a mysterious land, Genzou decides to begin his career as a beast hunter to capture and befriend creatures far and wide. Joined by the wolf-girl Shigure, the dragon-girl Hanako, and the vampire Carmilla Vanstein, the professional wrestler pursues all kinds of dangerous requests for the sake of fulfilling his dream as a pet shop owner. -- -- 142,305 6.67
Hataage! Kemono Michi -- -- ENGI -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Hataage! Kemono Michi Hataage! Kemono Michi -- Professional wrestler Genzou Shibata sports the body of a mountain, but beneath his hulking appearance is a man with an extreme affection for animals. Facing off his opponents in the ring as the legendary "Animal Mask," Genzou wins the hearts of crowds everywhere with his iconic tiger persona. -- -- During the bout for the title of World Champion against his greatest rival, the Macadamian Ogre, Genzou is suddenly summoned to a fantasy world by a princess. With her kingdom being threatened by a monster infestation, she pleads the wrestler for assistance—to which he answers by knocking her out with a German suplex! Escaping the castle and finding himself stranded in a mysterious land, Genzou decides to begin his career as a beast hunter to capture and befriend creatures far and wide. Joined by the wolf-girl Shigure, the dragon-girl Hanako, and the vampire Carmilla Vanstein, the professional wrestler pursues all kinds of dangerous requests for the sake of fulfilling his dream as a pet shop owner. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 142,305 6.67
Herlock Saga: Nibelung no Yubiwa -- -- Studio March, Studio Z5 -- 6 eps -- - -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Space Drama Seinen -- Herlock Saga: Nibelung no Yubiwa Herlock Saga: Nibelung no Yubiwa -- Captain Herlock is drawn into a saga of intergalactic proportions when the son of a deceased comrade unwittingly forges the Ring of the Niebelung. Evil forces gather to wage war against the last remaining superpowers of the galaxy led by a demented outcast. Herlock must counter the amassed armadas that threaten the last gods and recover the ring before Paradise is lost. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Jan 25, 1999 -- 5,269 6.70
Hinomaruzumou -- -- Gonzo -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Martial Arts Shounen Sports -- Hinomaruzumou Hinomaruzumou -- In professional sumo, there are no weight classes. It's a savage sport where the strongest survive, and anyone willing to test their mettle can step into the ring. There is, however, a minimum size requirement to be a pro sumo wrestler, and young Hinomaru Ushio, incredibly talented and hardworking though he may be, does not meet that requirement. This small boy has big dreams of reaching the highest class of sumo, Hinoshita Kaisan. The only way he could possibly go pro is if he becomes the High School Yokozuna, a title given to the strongest wrestler in high school tournaments. -- -- Ushio is under a lot of pressure, as well as a time limit. If he can't show off his skills in the high school tournaments, he may lose his chance to go pro permanently, and the odds are stacked against him. Instead of enrolling in Ishigami High, the best school for sumo in Japan, he enrolls in Odachi High and must build a sumo club from the ground up with the one devout member Shinya Ozeki. Odachi High is the true underdog of the sumo world, but Ushio has to push forward with all his strength if he is going to make it professionally. -- -- 85,623 7.58
Juu Ou Sei -- -- Bones -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Mystery Drama Shoujo -- Juu Ou Sei Juu Ou Sei -- After the murder of their parents, 11-year-old twin brothers Thor and Rai Klein are sent away from their home planet. They find themselves awakening on the terraformed planet of Chimaera, where carnivorous plants dominate and the few humans who live there are divided into four groups known as "Rings." Soon after, they meet a young man by the name of Zagi, and the twins learn that only the "Jyu Oh Sei"—the one who conquers these four Rings—is allowed to leave the planet. -- -- Driven by the desire to return home and discover the truth behind the death of his parents, Thor resolves to survive in the harsh, merciless environment of Chimaera. However, he quickly learns there is more than meets the eye in this strange ecosystem. As Thor is swept up in the politics that entangle the Rings, he uncovers more about his parents' murder, and ultimately, humanity's fate as a whole. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 14, 2006 -- 63,728 7.25
Juu Ou Sei -- -- Bones -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Mystery Drama Shoujo -- Juu Ou Sei Juu Ou Sei -- After the murder of their parents, 11-year-old twin brothers Thor and Rai Klein are sent away from their home planet. They find themselves awakening on the terraformed planet of Chimaera, where carnivorous plants dominate and the few humans who live there are divided into four groups known as "Rings." Soon after, they meet a young man by the name of Zagi, and the twins learn that only the "Jyu Oh Sei"—the one who conquers these four Rings—is allowed to leave the planet. -- -- Driven by the desire to return home and discover the truth behind the death of his parents, Thor resolves to survive in the harsh, merciless environment of Chimaera. However, he quickly learns there is more than meets the eye in this strange ecosystem. As Thor is swept up in the politics that entangle the Rings, he uncovers more about his parents' murder, and ultimately, humanity's fate as a whole. -- -- TV - Apr 14, 2006 -- 63,728 7.25
Kenju Giga -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Parody Psychological -- Kenju Giga Kenju Giga -- A dog race is interrupted by a ringmaster, who attaches fish to the dog’s collars and makes them run in circles. The crowd is incensed, but the ringmaster insists that the audience is no better off than the dogs. In the end the ringmaster is assassinated and the race continues, but a single red rose sprouts from the ringmaster’s blood; a symbol of truth in a crazy world? -- -- -AniDB -- Movie - ??? ??, 1970 -- 902 4.98
Kimi ni Todoke -- -- Production I.G -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Drama Romance School Shoujo -- Kimi ni Todoke Kimi ni Todoke -- Known for her semblance to the Sadako character of The Ring series, Sawako Kuronuma is given the nickname "Sadako" and misunderstood to be frightening and malicious like her fictional counterpart, despite having a timid and sweet nature. Longing to make friends and live a normal life, Sawako is naturally drawn to the cheerful and friendly Shouta Kazehaya, the most popular boy in her class. From their first meeting, Sawako has admired Kazehaya's ability to be the center of attention and aspires to be like him. -- -- When Kazehaya organizes a test of courage for the entire class and encourages her to attend, Sawako sees this as an opportunity to get along with her classmates, starting with Ayane Yano and Chizuru Yoshida. Through each new encounter and emotion she experiences, Sawako believes that meeting Kazehaya has changed her for the better. Little does Sawako know, her presence has also changed Kazehaya. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- 679,229 8.01
Prison Lab -- -- - -- 20 eps -- Manga -- Horror Psychological -- Prison Lab Prison Lab -- A victim of endless bullying, Aito Eyama is plagued by his classmates' constant taunts and beatings. However, through a fortuitous turn of events, he receives a strange invitations for the "Captivity Game," where victory promises unbelievable wealth. To participate, he must accept the role of captor and choose one victim to imprison for a month. For Eyama, the only choice is Aya Kirishima, the ringleader of his bullies and the source of all his suffering. The rules of the game are simple: the jailer may do whatever they please with their inmate barring murder; but in order to win the game, the captor's identity must remain hidden. Exemption from the law, an isolated cell, and the funds to purchase supplies—all the necessary tools are provided. -- -- As Eyama administers his sadistic revenge and "divine" retribution, he encounters other captors, each with their own hidden agendas. Meanwhile, Aya refuses to be a compliant prisoner and will go to any length to escape captivity. However, her endeavors threaten to awaken a darkness buried inside Eyama that craves to be unleashed. -- -- ONA - Dec 28, 2018 -- 3,106 5.52
Tiger Mask -- -- Toei Animation -- 105 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Shounen Sports -- Tiger Mask Tiger Mask -- Tiger Mask (whose real name was Naoto Date) was a feared heel wrestler in America who was extremely vicious in the ring. However, he became a face after returning to Japan when a young boy said that he wanted to be a villain like Tiger Mask when he grew up. The boy resided in an orphanage, the same one that Tiger Mask grew up in during his childhood. Feeling that he did not want the boy to idolize a villain, Tiger was inspired to be a heroic wrestler. -- -- The main antagonist in the manga and anime was Tigers' Den, a mysterious organization that trained young people to be villainous heel wrestlers on the condition that they gave half of their earnings to the organization. Tiger Mask was once a member of Tigers' Den under the name "Yellow Devil", but no longer wanted anything to do with them, instead donating his money to the orphanage. This infuriated the leader of the organization and he sent numerous assassins, including other professional wrestlers, to punish him. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- TV - Oct 2, 1969 -- 8,091 7.26
Tiger Mask W -- -- Toei Animation -- 38 eps -- Manga -- Action Sports Drama Shounen -- Tiger Mask W Tiger Mask W -- Two young wrestlers face each other in a recently revived underground wrestling organization, the Tiger's Lair, which destroyed the wrestling dojo they grew up in. One took over the training facilities of Naoto Date at the foot of Mount Fuji, as well as the mask he left behind. The other dared to enter the Tiger's Lair and won a fierce competition, receiving a jet-black tiger mask. One tiger walks the path of light, while the other walks the path of shadows. Neither one knows the other's face. On the ring, they are natural enemies, but they have the same purpose—destroy the Tiger's Lair! -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- 18,815 6.97
Trigun: Badlands Rumble -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Sci-Fi Shounen -- Trigun: Badlands Rumble Trigun: Badlands Rumble -- Vash the Stampede is a contradiction. He has a notorious reputation as "The Humanoid Typhoon," laying anything he comes across to waste on the desolate planet of Gunsmoke. However, Vash is in fact very non-confrontational and kind-hearted, living by a code of pacifism. -- -- Twenty years ago, a high-profile bank heist went sour. The ringleader, Gasback Gallon Getaway, swore to get back at his backstabbing crew and the man who stopped him from killing them: Vash the Stampede. In the present day, the traitorous crew has been living the good life as successful entrepreneurs and politicians. Although two decades have passed, Gasback's bitterness has not waned as he aims to take them down one by one, by any means necessary. -- -- Just in time to foil Gasback's plot, Vash has arrived in Macca City. Teaming up with the mysterious Amelia Ann McFly, along with the insurance agents Milly Thompson and Meryl Stryfe, Vash is ready to rumble. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Apr 2, 2010 -- 114,200 7.97
Trigun: Badlands Rumble -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Sci-Fi Shounen -- Trigun: Badlands Rumble Trigun: Badlands Rumble -- Vash the Stampede is a contradiction. He has a notorious reputation as "The Humanoid Typhoon," laying anything he comes across to waste on the desolate planet of Gunsmoke. However, Vash is in fact very non-confrontational and kind-hearted, living by a code of pacifism. -- -- Twenty years ago, a high-profile bank heist went sour. The ringleader, Gasback Gallon Getaway, swore to get back at his backstabbing crew and the man who stopped him from killing them: Vash the Stampede. In the present day, the traitorous crew has been living the good life as successful entrepreneurs and politicians. Although two decades have passed, Gasback's bitterness has not waned as he aims to take them down one by one, by any means necessary. -- -- Just in time to foil Gasback's plot, Vash has arrived in Macca City. Teaming up with the mysterious Amelia Ann McFly, along with the insurance agents Milly Thompson and Meryl Stryfe, Vash is ready to rumble. -- -- Movie - Apr 2, 2010 -- 114,200 7.97
Umi Monogatari: Anata ga Ite Kureta Koto -- -- Zexcs -- 12 eps -- Game -- Supernatural Drama Magic Romance Fantasy -- Umi Monogatari: Anata ga Ite Kureta Koto Umi Monogatari: Anata ga Ite Kureta Koto -- Marin and her younger sister Urin are seafolk who happen upon something quite strange: a beautiful silver ring lost beneath the waves. The kind-hearted Marin, intent on returning it to its owner, drags a reluctant Urin along with her to the sky world despite reminders of a turtle elder who left for the surface and never returned. After locating the ring's owner, Kanon Miyamori, they learn that Kanon had tossed it into the sea after her boyfriend dumped her earlier that day. -- -- Though Marin insists that such a lovely item should not be thrown away, Kanon discards it once again. As they search for the ring, Urin becomes separated from the other two and accidently breaks the seal on a stone coffin, releasing an evil being known as Sedna. Sensing Sedna's release, the formerly missing turtle elder, Matsumoto, reveals himself to Kanon and her companions, naming Marin as the Priestess of the Sea. Together with the Priestess of the Sky, she has the power to seal Sedna away again. And as luck would have it, during an encounter with one of Sedna's minions, Kanon discovers that she is the Priestess of the Sky. Though Kanon is hesitant, she and Marin decide to work together to save the world from the evil that threatens it. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- TV - Jun 25, 2009 -- 23,914 6.63
Umi Monogatari: Anata ga Ite Kureta Koto -- -- Zexcs -- 12 eps -- Game -- Supernatural Drama Magic Romance Fantasy -- Umi Monogatari: Anata ga Ite Kureta Koto Umi Monogatari: Anata ga Ite Kureta Koto -- Marin and her younger sister Urin are seafolk who happen upon something quite strange: a beautiful silver ring lost beneath the waves. The kind-hearted Marin, intent on returning it to its owner, drags a reluctant Urin along with her to the sky world despite reminders of a turtle elder who left for the surface and never returned. After locating the ring's owner, Kanon Miyamori, they learn that Kanon had tossed it into the sea after her boyfriend dumped her earlier that day. -- -- Though Marin insists that such a lovely item should not be thrown away, Kanon discards it once again. As they search for the ring, Urin becomes separated from the other two and accidently breaks the seal on a stone coffin, releasing an evil being known as Sedna. Sensing Sedna's release, the formerly missing turtle elder, Matsumoto, reveals himself to Kanon and her companions, naming Marin as the Priestess of the Sea. Together with the Priestess of the Sky, she has the power to seal Sedna away again. And as luck would have it, during an encounter with one of Sedna's minions, Kanon discovers that she is the Priestess of the Sky. Though Kanon is hesitant, she and Marin decide to work together to save the world from the evil that threatens it. -- -- TV - Jun 25, 2009 -- 23,914 6.63
Zombie-Loan -- -- Xebec -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Action Horror Shounen Supernatural -- Zombie-Loan Zombie-Loan -- Do you know when you are going to die? Michiru Kita does, as she has the ability to see a "ring of death" on the necks of those around her—and the darker the ring, the closer one is to death. -- -- One day, she notices that two boys in her class, Chika Akatsuki and Shito Tachibana, have completely black rings. Seeking to warn them of their impending demise, she stumbles onto their secret: they are already dead, but are kept alive due to a contract with Zombie-Loan, a mysterious loan office. Of course, nothing comes without a price, as the boys must hunt down and kill zombies in order to pay off their debt. And once they learn about Michiru's "Shinigami Eyes," they drag her into their crazy world. -- -- 125,956 6.88
Zombie-Loan -- -- Xebec -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Action Horror Shounen Supernatural -- Zombie-Loan Zombie-Loan -- Do you know when you are going to die? Michiru Kita does, as she has the ability to see a "ring of death" on the necks of those around her—and the darker the ring, the closer one is to death. -- -- One day, she notices that two boys in her class, Chika Akatsuki and Shito Tachibana, have completely black rings. Seeking to warn them of their impending demise, she stumbles onto their secret: they are already dead, but are kept alive due to a contract with Zombie-Loan, a mysterious loan office. Of course, nothing comes without a price, as the boys must hunt down and kill zombies in order to pay off their debt. And once they learn about Michiru's "Shinigami Eyes," they drag her into their crazy world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 125,956 6.88,_Sigurd_and_the_Rings.jpg,_Sigurd_and_the_Rings.jpg#file,_Sigurd_and_the_Rings.jpg#filehistory,_Sigurd_and_the_Rings.jpg#filelinks,_Sigurd_and_the_Rings.jpg#globalusage,_Sigurd_and_the_Rings.jpg,_Sigurd_and_the_Rings.jpg,_Sigurd_and_the_Rings.jpg,+Sigurd+and+the+Rings.jpg,+Sigurd+and+the+Rings.jpg
Adaptations of The Lord of the Rings
Addiction to power in The Lord of the Rings
A Gentleman of the Ring (1926 film)
Around the Rings
Assault in the Ring
Beyond the Ring
Book:The Lord of the Rings film series
Bored of the Rings
Bored of the Rings (video game)
Boxing Legends of the Ring
Brown Girl in the Ring
Brown Girl in the Ring (song)
Character pairing in The Lord of the Rings
Charity Lords of the Ring
Chuck Versus the Ring
Clear the Ring
Closing the Ring
Dark Side of the Ring
Dark Souls III: The Ringed City
Environmentalism in The Lord of the Rings
Get in the Ring
Hat in the Ring
J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, Vol. I
J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, Vol. I (1994 video game)
King of the Ring
King of the Ring (1985)
King of the Ring (1986)
King of the Ring (1987)
King of the Ring (1988)
King of the Ring (1989)
King of the Ring (1991)
King of the Ring (1993)
King of the Ring (1994)
King of the Ring (1995)
King of the Ring (1996)
King of the Ring (1997)
King of the Ring (1998)
King of the Ring (1999)
King of the Ring (2000)
King of the Ring (2001)
King of the Ring (2002)
King of the Ring (2006)
King of the Ring (2008)
King of the Ring (2010)
King of the Ring (2019)
King of the Ring tournament
Kiss the Ring
Lady with the Ring
Lego The Lord of the Rings (video game)
List of accolades received by The Lord of the Rings film series
List of original characters in The Lord of the Rings film series
List of The Ring world champions
Lord of the Rings (board game)
Lord of the Rings: Game One
Lord of the Rings (musical)
Love in the Ring
Master of the Rings
Music Inspired by Lord of the Rings
Music of The Lord of the Rings film series
Only the Ring Finger Knows
Poetry in The Lord of the Rings
Production of The Lord of the Rings film series
Queen of the Ring (TV series)
Queens of the Ring
Quest for the Rings
Riddle of the Ring
Spiderman of the Rings
Symphony No. 1 "The Lord of the Rings"
The Adventures of Peg o' the Ring
The End of the Ring Wars
The Fellowship of the Ring
The Fellowship of the Ring (disambiguation)
The History of The Lord of the Rings
The Lord of the Rings
The Lord of the Rings (1955 radio series)
The Lord of the Rings (1978 film)
The Lord of the Rings (1981 radio series)
The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest
The Lord of the Rings: Conquest
The Lord of the Rings (disambiguation)
The Lord of the Rings (film series)
The Lord of the Rings: film versus book
The Lord of the Rings: Journey to Rivendell
The Lord of the Rings Motion Picture Trilogy: The Exhibition
The Lord of the Rings Online
The Lord of the Rings Online: Mines of Moria
The Lord of the Rings Online: Rise of Isengard
The Lord of the Rings Online: Siege of Mirkwood
The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game
The Lord of the Rings (soundtrack)
The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth
The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II
The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II: The Rise of the Witch-king
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (soundtrack)
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (video game)
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (soundtrack)
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (video game)
The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age (Game Boy Advance)
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (soundtrack)
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (video game)
The Lord of the Rings: The White Council
The Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game
The Lord of the Rings (TV series)
The Lord of the Rings: War in the North
The Lord of the Rings: War of the Ring
Themes of The Lord of the Rings
The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers
The Ring
The Ring (1927 film)
The Ring (1985 film)
The Ring (2002 film)
The Ring (album)
The Ring and the Book
The Ring (Angel)
The Ringbanger
The Ring: Boxing the 20th Century
The Ring (Chuck)
The Ringer
The Ringer (1932 film)
The Ringer (song)
The Ringer (website)
The Ring Finger
The Ring (franchise)
The Ringing Ball
The Ringleader
The Ring (magazine)
The Ring magazine Comeback of the Year
The Ring magazine Event of the Year
The Ring magazine Fighter of the Year
The Ring magazine Fight of the Year
The Ring magazine Hall of Fame
The Ring magazine Knockout of the Year
The Ring magazine Progress of the Year
The Ring magazine Prospect of the Year
The Ring magazine Round of the Year
The Ring magazine Upset of the Year
The Ringmaster's Daughter
The Ringmaster's Secret
The Ringmaster (film)
The Ring of Charon
The Ring of Destiny
The Ring of Giuditta Foscari
The Ring of the Dove
The Ring of the Empress
The Rings of Akhaten
The Rings of Saturn
The Ring (South Park)
The Ring: Terror's Realm
The Ring Two
The Ring Virus
The Ring Volume 0: Birthday
The Ringwall Family
The Ringworld Engineers
The War of the Ring online campaign
Tolkien: A Look Behind "The Lord of the Rings"
Translation of The Lord of the Rings into Swedish
Translations of The Lord of the Rings
Translations of The Lord of the Rings into Russian
Unfortunate events in the front seats of the ring of Madrid, and the death of the mayor of Torrejn
War of the Ring (board game)
War of the Ring (SPI game)
Women in The Lord of the Rings
WSU King and Queen of the Ring

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